Effortlessly create bulk issues.

Streamline issue creation with bulk upload, saving you time and effort!

Ankit Raj


Ajay George

Login to Jira

Enter your domain, email and token to get started.

Kundan Kumar


Key features

Why use Jira Wizard?

Jira Wizard empowers you to create and manage issues in a style that suits your workflow, with fully responsive interfaces for seamless project management.

Bulk Issues Creation

Easily create multiple Jira issues from a xlsx/json file with just a few clicks with intuitive interface.

Custom Field Mapping

Map fields from xlsx/json file to Jira issue fields for seamless data transfer.

Automated Issue Creation

Configure Jira Wizard to automatically create issues from xlsx/json files.

Error Handling

Receive detailed error reports to quickly resolve any issues during the bulk issue creation process.

Jira Wizard streamlines the process of setting up Jira Issues

Rest API

Built on top of a robust Rest API.


Upload your xlsx/json files and get started.


No need to go to Jira, we got you covered.

Test Cases

Create Test Cases and add them to your Test Plan.


Customise your xlsx/json file as per your needs.

Ligthning Fast

Create Issues/Test Cases in a jiffy.

Optimize your workflow with Jira Wizard's powerful bulk upload code

import openpyxl, requests, json
url, auth = "https://yourcompany.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/", ("yourusername", "yourapikey")
wb, sheet = openpyxl.load_workbook('issue_details.xlsx'), openpyxl.load_workbook('issue_details.xlsx').active
for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, values_only=True):
summary, description, project_key, issuetype_name, assignee_id, priority, *components = row
payload =
"project": {"key": project_key},
"summary": summary,
"type": "doc", "version": 1,
"content": [{"type": "paragraph",
"content": [{"text": description, "type": "text"}]}]
"issuetype": {"name": issuetype_name},
"assignee": {"id": assignee_id},
"priority": {"name": priority},
"components": [{"name": component} for component in components if component]} }
response = requests.post(url, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, auth=auth, data=json.dumps(payload))
if response.status_code != 201: print(f"Failed to create issue. Status code: {response.status_code}, response: {response.content}")
else: print(f"Issue created successfully: {response.json()['key']}")

Created a new issue





Ankit Raj


Ankit Raj

Created a new issue





Ankit Raj


Ankit Raj

Take your productivity to the next level with our upcoming features for Jira Wizard

Schedule Issue Creation

Schedule bulk issue creation for future dates and times.

Sub-Task Creation

Create sub-tasks for each issue created.


Types of files supported


Issues creation with a single click


Dedicated support for everyone


Open source with regular updates